Saturday, February 1, 2020

2010 Cadillac Truck SRX AWD V6-2.8L Turbo Page 338

2010 Cadillac Truck SRX AWD V6-2.8L Turbo Page 338

瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 3 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D

window motor-driver.

3. Verify that the scan tool Driver Window Main Control Up Switch parameter is Inactive.

瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 6 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D

window motor-driver.

4. Verify that the scan tool Driver Window Main Control Express Switch parameter is Inactive.

瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 2 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D

window motor-driver.

5. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the S79D window switch-driver.

Passenger Switch Window Malfunction

1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the S79P window switch-passenger.

2. Ignition ON, test for greater than 10V between the signal circuit terminal listed below and ground:

* Signal circuit terminal 6

* Signal circuit terminal 7

* Signal circuit terminal 8

瀚慖f less than the specified range, test the signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, test or

replace the M74P window motor-passenger.

3. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the S79P window switch-passenger.

Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification (See: Verification Tests) after completing the diagnostic procedure.

* Front Side Door Window and Multifunction Switch Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Front Side Door

Window and Multifunction Switch Replacement)

* Rear Side Door Window Switch Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Rear Side Door Window Switch


* Rear Side Door Window Regulator Motor Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Rear Side Door Window

Regulator Motor Replacement)


DTC B316B, B317A, B318A, or B319A

Diagnostic Instructions

* Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic System

Check - Vehicle) prior to using this diagnostic procedure.

* Review Strategy Based Diagnosis (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Strategy Based Diagnosis) for an

overview of the diagnostic approach.

* Diagnostic Procedure Instructions (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic Procedure

Instructions) provides an overview of each diagnostic category.

DTC Descriptors

DTC B316B 00

- Driver Window Switch

DTC B316B 02

- Driver Window Switch Short to Ground

DTC B316B 39

- Driver Window Switch Internal Malfunction

DTC B317A 02

- Passenger Window Switch Short to Ground

DTC B317A 39

- Passenger Window Switch Internal Malfunction