2010 Cadillac Truck SRX AWD V6-2.8L Turbo Page 344
瀚慖f the driver window does not perform as specified, refer to Driver Window Switch Malfunction.
5. Command the passenger window to go UP, DOWN, express UP and express DOWN by using the S79P window switch-passenger. The
passenger window should perform the UP, DOWN, express UP and express DOWN function.
瀚慖f the passenger window does not perform as specified, refer to Passenger Window Malfunction.
Circuit/System Testing
Driver Window Switch Malfunction
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the S79D window switch-driver.
2. Ignition ON, verify that the scan tool Driver Window Main Control Down Switch parameter is Inactive.
瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 3 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D
window motor-driver.
3. Verify that the scan tool Driver Window Main Control Up Switch parameter is Inactive.
瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 6 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D
window motor-driver.
4. Verify that the scan tool Driver Window Main Control Express Switch parameter is Inactive.
瀚慖f not the specified value, test the control circuit terminal 2 for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, test or replace the M74D
window motor-driver.
5. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the S79D window switch-driver.
Passenger Switch Window Malfunction
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the S79P window switch-passenger.
2. Ignition ON, test for greater than 10V between the signal circuit terminal listed below and ground:
* Signal circuit terminal 6
* Signal circuit terminal 7
* Signal circuit terminal 8
瀚慖f less than the specified range, test the signal circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, test or
replace the M74P window motor-passenger.
3. If all circuits test normal, test or replace the S79P window switch-passenger.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification (See: Verification Tests) after completing the diagnostic procedure.
* Front Side Door Window and Multifunction Switch Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Front Side Door
Window and Multifunction Switch Replacement)
* Rear Side Door Window Switch Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Rear Side Door Window Switch
* Rear Side Door Window Regulator Motor Replacement (See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Service and Repair/Rear Side Door Window
Regulator Motor Replacement)
DTC B316B, B317A, B318A, or B319A
Diagnostic Instructions
* Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle) prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
* Review Strategy Based Diagnosis (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Strategy Based Diagnosis) for an
overview of the diagnostic approach.
* Diagnostic Procedure Instructions (See: Testing and Inspection/Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview/Diagnostic Procedure
Instructions) provides an overview of each diagnostic category.