Saturday, January 1, 2022

'21 transmission aggressively oscillates during hybrid mode handover

hey all, noticed something strange with the transmission programming on my new PacHy that did not happen on my '18: during the first hybrid mode changeover of the drive cycle, like merging on the highway after refueling (to 75mph or so) or going up hill under engine load, the transmission gearing rapidly cycles between ICE-driven regen and electric thrust at 5sec intervals for more than a minute. It acts completely confused as to what it should be doing, but it eventually settles into the... '21 transmission aggressively oscillates during hybrid mode handover
hey all, noticed something strange with the transmission programming on my new PacHy that did not happen on my '18: during the first hybrid mode changeover of the drive cycle, like merging on the highway after refueling (to 75mph or so) or going up hill under engine load, the transmission gearing rapidly cycles between ICE-driven regen and electric thrust at 5sec intervals for more than a minute. It acts completely confused as to what it should be doing, but it eventually settles into the...

'21 transmission aggressively oscillates during hybrid mode handover
Sun, 02 Jan 2022 06:03:24 +0000
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